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A standard website includes Home, About, Your Process, Reviews and Contact page.

Add additional features you would like to see the price of that type of site.

Choose your site and send a deposit to start the process or contact me to discuss your needs with me.

Website Builder


Pay a deposit of 10% per item


Please contact me to discuss any requirements. I'm happy to help.

For more details of each site type, please see the Pricing page.

Getting Started

Creating your site starts with understanding you and your business.

From there it’s what’s required to make that happen and how’s it going to look and feel.

I’ll be with you each step of the way, guiding and supporting you in creating what best suits your needs.

See the 6 Steps to Success below for more information.

Looking forward to working with you.

6 Steps to Success

1. Define

What is your business/ hobby / Interest about and how does it work. Online selling, Membership, Classes...

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This is where you really get to grips with what you want your website to do for you by defining your activities as best you can.

Think about what people visiting your site will want to see and do and how people will find you. Also, how many you expect!

It's possible to do this in the design stage also, but a great idea to have it clear first.

2. Design

Sketch your look & feel, your layout, your branding on paper?
What content and features do you need?

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Draw some rectangles on a piece of paper and start to imagine what's going to be on your site home page. It's also a good idea to find existing websites that appeal to you as there's lots of great designs out there.

Also, think about what your site needs to do for you. Are you selling things, do you need a blog, do you need people to sign up to see content (memberships / clubs), do you need  to book people into appointment and so on. 

3. Develop

Making it happen! Software, platform and organising your contest to turn your ideas into reality.

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Working together on your design, I will then have a good idea about  what you need to make the magic happen.

I will advise on the type and size of platform (the server) for your site, the software you'll need (above and beyond WordPress Basic) and what best suits your look, feel and branding.

At this stage you will be writing the text content for your site and gathering the images and any videos you want to use.


4. Test

Ensure your website works as you expect it to on all devices and for all its features.

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Your site needs to be tested on several devices in different orientations to make sure it both lays out correctly and that the look is appropriate for the device size.

Your features also need testing, for example to ensure contact forms, membership areas and payments work as they are supposed to. 


5. Release

Make your website available to the world and integrated with your marketing.

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Sometimes you may prefer to have your site visible as it is created. Sometimes some features need to be hidden until you are ready or until your marketing is ready.

This process is relatively simple, but, having a plan is always a good idea.


6. Use

Training and documentation so that you can be as self sufficient as you want to be.

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Training may need to be ongoing throughout the development. You will receive documentation for the areas of your website that you want to manage with training as required. 

The level you want to go to is entirely up to you.


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